P2 of the Week

P2 of the Week: Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence
Posted on 01/01/2024
This is the image for the news article titled P2 of the Week: Appreciation of Beauty & ExcellenceUnder the guiding principles of our districtwide initiative, the Positivity Project, the #PositivityinAction mindset is our top priority. This week we will focus on the character strength of APPRECIATION OF BEAUTY AND EXCELLENCE.

People with the character strength of appreciation of beauty and excellence notice and value the world’s beauty and people’s skills. They don’t take things for granted.

Thank you Val Harvey, Dawn Sexton, Colleen Martel,  Don McGarvah, Doug Domzal, Mary Caputo, Kathryn Lentini, Dave Gill, Jerry Buckman, Judi Hill, Fran Buckman, Joan Thomas, and Tami Kreger and Bus Aids Sheila Domzal, Ruth Stargel and Diane Barkley for ensuring the safe transportation of students to and from school and school-related activities!

At Lake Shore, we pride ourselves in our yellow transportation system. Our 10 bus drivers transport to Rodgers Elementary, Masonic Heights Elementary, and Kennedy Middle School as well as all Athletic events during the school year. They are personable and dedicated to ensuring safety for everyone aboard. According to Transportation Coordinator Val Harvey, we have accumulated over 62,000 miles since September and will complete over 112 field trip routes, with the furthest being Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio or The Pinery in Canada.

With a combined 200 years of service and an average 16 years of service, please congratulate our Transportation Department for having all 12 buses meet every safety points and receive a green tag from the Michigan State Police.

Congratulations Class of 2024 from our Director of Maintenance and Operations Wayne Satterfield, Transportation Coordinator Val Harvey, and on behalf of everyone from our Lake Shore Transportation Department.  A special THANK YOU to Drivers Jerry Buckman, Don McGarvah, Mary Caputo, and Dawn Sexton for your careful 24 bus arrangement.

THANK YOU Robert Stark for capturing these '24 drone pictures on behalf of the Class of 2024 and providing this service for years.  He continues to share his artistic talents for all of our Shorian Nation to enjoy!

Making children aware that every one of them has all 24 character strengths, provides the foundation for genuine self-confidence grounded in self-awareness and develops an #OtherPeopleMatter mindset.